Badges and uniform
When representing The King and on certain other official occasions, male Lord-Lieutenants wear a dark blue military uniform with a scarlet stripe on the trousers and a scarlet band round the peaked cap, together with a crimson and silver waist sash. The cap badge and shoulder cords feature the Crown above the Tudor Rose (for England; Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland have their own emblems). Officers holding Royal Navy, Army or Royal Air Force rank of Colonel or equivalent rank, or above, may wear the appropriate service uniform in lieu of the Lieutenancy uniform.
Uniform is optional for female Lord-Lieutenants. If not in uniform, their Badge of Office features the Tudor Rose surmounted with the Crown on a bow of white and crimson.
When representing the Lord-Lieutenant, the Vice Lord-Lieutenant and Deputy Lieutenants may wear a similar uniform to that of the Lord-Lieutenant (but with a solid crimson waist sash, narrower scarlet stripe on the trousers, and without the Crown on the cap or shoulder cords), or a Badge of Office which again depicts the Tudor Rose. Men wear the badge from a neck ribbon; ladies wear the badge on a bow. Both badges are on a ribbon of white and crimson.
When not on official duties, members of the Lieutenancy may wear a Tudor Rose lapel badge within their county of office.