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The Berkshire Lieutenancy
About Berkshire
The Royal County
Coat of Arms and Flag
The High Sheriff
About us
Our people
Our role
Badges and uniform
Protocol and etiquette
Our history
The Lord Lieutenants of Berkshire 1545-2023
Serving you
Honours and awards
National Honours
King’s Award for Voluntary Service
King’s Award for Enterprise
Birthdays and anniversaries
The Elizabeth Cross
Royal visits and events
Royal Garden Parties
Invite the Lord-Lieutenant
Contact us
About Berkshire
The Royal County
Coat of Arms and Flag
The High Sheriff
About us
Our people
Our role
Badges and uniform
Protocol and etiquette
Our history
The Lord Lieutenants of Berkshire 1545-2023
Serving you
Honours and awards
National Honours
King’s Award for Voluntary Service
King’s Award for Enterprise
Birthdays and anniversaries
The Elizabeth Cross
Royal visits and events
Royal Garden Parties
Invite the Lord-Lieutenant
Contact us
File size: 72.06 KB
Created: 24-05-2024
Updated: 24-05-2024
Hits: 29